The Association of Tomato and Cucumber Under Cover (PPiOPO) is located in Krakow was registered in the National Court Register on January 24, 2013. The total area under the cover at the disposal of the Association's members is 480 hectares.
The statutory objectives of the Association are:
1. Representing the collective interests of the members of the Association before the legislative and executive organs, the local bodies of the governmental administration and local government bodies, and the state organizational units, as well as representing the Association's members in relation to third parties and cooperation in the legislative process;
2. Raising the knowledge and skills of effective management of members of the Association;
3. Popularizing the scientific achievements in the field of covered vegetables and participation in research and scientific work;
4. Supporting activities related to the education of the members of the Association, including ecology and the environment;
5. Exchange of market information for greenhouse vegetables, with particular reference to tomatoes and greenhouse cucumbers
6. Promote high quality Polish greenhouse vegetables and their consumption due to their health and taste qualities;
7. Caring for the high quality of tomatoes and cucumbers
8. Promoting the knowledge amongst producers in principles of the common market organisation of fruit and vegetables in states of the European Union;
9. Creating an atmosphere of understanding, trust and respect for the garden environment and society and mutual help;
10. Creating attitudes supporting integration of gardeners - of producers of vegetables under covers;
11. Cultivating the cultural heritage of Polish horticulture;
12. Support for economic development, including the development of entrepreneurship;
13. Supporting the development of the technique, inventions and innovations and spreading and implementing technical new solutions in practice economic;
14. Providing assistance to members of the association in cases associated with purposes of association.
The Association accomplishes its goals by:
1. To cooperate with all in the law enforcement process, particular to express opinions and take a position on issues related to legal acts and their projects and provisions related to vegetable production under cover;
2. Organizing trainings, conferences, conventions, exhibitions, fairs, educational trips, including the support of public funds available for this purpose, and participation in these projects;
3. Initiation and recommendation of system solutions for the development of the greenhouse vegetable sector;
4. Cooperating with scientific units and other institutions or acting independently on the implementation of new means of production, technology, information flow and exchange of experience;
5. Support and inspire studies, research and other activities aimed at ensuring the development of horticulture, including the development of the greenhouse vegetable sector;
6. Activities related to the integration of the members of the Association;
7. Appointing and organizing the activities of committees, working groups and other thematic groups, acting on the basis of the voluntary participation of the members of the Association;
8. Co-operation and association with national, foreign and international organizations of a similar nature;
9. Price monitoring and assistance in purchasing means of production;
10. Attempting to find new markets;
11. Conducting activities popularizing the Association's objectives, publishing, advertising;
12. The association may also be the subject of agreements on joint action for the fulfillment of its own statutory purposes.